Services by Dutch Graphic Trade
Selling, buying & service for the carton converting industry
We buy machines
DGT buys machines for stock or can help you to find a new owner for your surplus equipment with our extensive network.
We sell machines
As is, cleaned repainted and checked or fully rebuilt. DGT sells machines in different stages without compromising the quality of the machine.
Correct dismantling and installation is critical to maximising reliability and minimising life-cycle costs. Every detail matters: from the assembly of the machine to its electrical connection. At the end of the installation, we test-run the machine to ensure that all is correct and safe for use.
Before moving a machine from one plant to the other. We will inspect the machine and make an in depth report on it’s current status. The customer will now know the quality of the equipment and can decide to have it serviced by DGT before commissioning the machine at it’s new location.